Well so far what i notice about my posts, is that it dedicated to my friends and some are
purely nonsense.
Well this post is dedicated specially for my Parents. What I notice and realise
is that my parents have poured in thousands of dollars for my education and expenses
further more is that they care so much and sacrifice allot for me. They are my
Guardian Angel, My hero & heroin, My Saviour and more to describe about them.
Without them I dun think I'll be where I am. I truly am grateful to have parents
like you guys. You are just the best parents in the word to me. I know i may seem
unappreciative or hostile at time but i truly am greatful.
I can type more but there is just to much to describe or list down.
To those who dun understand why I have this post. Just Keep it to yourself
and for those who do; i am really appreciative of them after what i've been trough.